5 September 2023

Group First With ISO 45001 Awarded to Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK

Achieving an International Standards Certification (ISO) validates that an organisation adheres to global standards of quality assurance, manufacturing and business.

Many subsidiaries within the Lesjofors Group have ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The Health and Safety team at Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK in Cornwall have gone the next step and achieved ISO 45001, the first business within the group to achieve it and the first to hold all three ISO titles.

Liam Cooper, Health, Safety and Environment Manager in Cornwall says: “We believed that the implementation of the ISO 45001 standard was the next logical step in bolstering an already high standard of health and safety within the business. It also shows a leadership commitment to the group’s sustainability focus, communicating to customers, suppliers and employees that health and safety for everyone is a priority.

Liam continues: “I feel so proud of all the staff at the Cornwall sites for their dedication and hard work to implement this level of standard. It truly is one of the hardest ISO standards to implement properly, which is why so many manufacturers avoid it, further illustrating Lesjofors’ dedication to being a market leader in our industry.”

Michael Gibbs, Managing Director says: “Achieving this gold standard in ISO recognition is exceptional and showcases how extraordinary our teams and their commitment to safety truly are. The ISO 45001 standard is not a mandatory requirement. However, the benefits of implementation highlight a company that blends a superior product with an accredited health and safety approach. I couldn’t be prouder of the team.”

The ISO auditors didn’t hold back in their praise for the Cornwall team, saying: “The Health and Safety management system that has been implemented by the business is one of the best systems I have seen.

It is very rare for a business to achieve recommendation for certification on their first stage 2 audit and the business is to be praised for the engagement of both the senior team and employees for their understanding of the importance of health and safety in the workplace.

Liam is to be commended for his understanding of both the standard and health and safety legislation, this shows both Liam’s and the businesses commitment to ensuring the safety of its workers. It was a pleasure to audit this system.”


Michael Gibbs Liam Cooper Luke Smith. Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK_

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