If you've got the questions, we've got the time

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click the plus icons to expand and read the answers. If you can't find an answer to a question you have please visit our contact page or alternatively reach us by calling 01726 861444 or emailing heavysprings@lesjoforsab.com.

Yes! We specialise in this. Please visit our design and development page or get in touch via the contact us page.

Absolutely. It’s the perfect platform to understand your spring needs.

Yes, we hold stock for many of our customers - subject to volume and duration and associated storage fees.

0.03mm within the Lesjofors family, right up to 65mm. 

We manufacture low and high-volume production numbers.

On average 4-6 weeks but this can be affected by outside market factors affecting shipping and raw material access. We aim for 4-6 weeks.

Yes. Our powder coating facilities are constantly expanding their capabilities. We can print product batch numbers on each spring too.

We can. Talk to us.

Local but international, you can order from anywhere.

Two factories in the UK in Cornwall and another in Amminefors in Finland and Lesjofors in Sweden. These are our heavy manufacturing sites but our parent company www.lesjoforsab.com has 60 manufacturing and sales sites across the world.

08:30 to 17:00, Monday to Friday

We welcome visitors and would be delighted to show you around.


We really do work with everyone. Please visit our industries page

Every kind, please visit our materials page.

3mm here but down to 0.03mm across the group – we’ll pass your enquiry on.

ISO 14001, ISO 9001 & ISO 45001

Meticulous testing in our state-of-the-art quality management department.

As long as you want it to. We manufacture your spring to the design, material choice and stresses to meet the requirements of the environment it’s needed for.

We are world-leading heavy duty spring manufacturers, delivering the greatest expertise in compression, torsion and tension spring manufacturing.

Delivering impact to every industry, we guarantee spring solutions that will optimise your performance and success.

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