5 September 2023

Major Investments in Sustainability

With group ambitions to become the most sustainable spring and pressing solution provider in the world, we’re reviewing, assessing and investing in a number of ESG solutions to help drive this ambition.

Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK has recently made a £150k investment in solar panels and motion sensor LED lighting.

328 panels solar panels have been fitted to the roof of the Redruth plant, soaking up the light on the north coast of Cornwall’s famed sunny location.

Luke Smith, Operations Manager says: “Our factories are meant to be located in the sunniest location in the UK. We can guarantee that this is not always the case, however, optimising the potential with factory structures flooded in solar panels, enables us to annually capture 134 MWh (megawatt hours) of energy, saving 28 tonnes of CO2 every year, reducing our scope 2 emissions.

When we launched the project, we predicted a saving of £50k against the electricity prices at the time. The investment will have paid for itself by 2025, through the use of renewable energy charging operations throughout the factory. All the company’s electric vehicles are charged by solar.”

The motion sensor LED lighting across both sites has again positively impacted on scope 2 emissions and delivered operational cost efficiencies.

In addition, and in a possible Lesjofors first, the sites are also exploring recycling wet grinding sludge from their Aqua Grinder. Historically a sub-contractor removed the hazardous waste at great cost, however, the team are exploring new equipment which compresses the waste into a billet of steel, which can then be sold as a recycled product, further reducing the site’s CO2 footprint.

All of the above feed into Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK’s ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications, fuelling the sustainable ambitions across the group.


Solar Panel Installation

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We are world-leading heavy duty spring manufacturers, delivering the greatest expertise in compression, torsion and tension spring manufacturing.

Delivering impact to every industry, we guarantee spring solutions that will optimise your performance and success.

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