2 May 2024

The Backbone of Modern Farming: Heavy Springs in Agricultural Machinery

Heavy springs are used widely in agricultural machinery, making them the backbone of modern farming. These robust and sturdy springs are designed to withstand the heavy loads and constant vibrations experienced by agricultural equipment. Below, you will learn about the role of springs and the types of springs used in heavy agricultural machinery.

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The Role of Heavy Springs in Agricultural Machinery

Heavy springs play many roles in farm machinery. They absorb shock and vibration, provide stability and balance, enhance machinery performance, and improve traction. Let’s examine how they are used and their advantages in real-life farming situations. 

How Are Springs Used in Agriculture?

  • Absorbing shock and vibration: Agricultural machines navigate uneven terrain, sloping fields, and natural obstacles. Machinery may experience large impacts and vibrations; heavy springs can absorb these shocks and dampen vibrations. This protects the machinery from damage and prolongs its lifespan.
  • Stability and balance: Large agricultural machinery, such as tractors and combines, can be top-heavy and prone to topping over when operating on sloping ground. Heavy springs help distribute weight evenly across the machine, improving stability and preventing accidents.
  • Enhancing machine performance: Heavy springs provide a cushioning effect, minimising the impact on crops when harvesting or seed planting. This prevents damage to the crop and ensures a higher yield quality. This is especially important when using shallow ploughing (15cm) rather than deeper ploughing (25cm).
  • Improves traction: Heavy springs improve agricultural machinery's traction, allowing them to maintain better contact with the ground. This improves farming efficiency in challenging soil conditions.

Why Heavy Springs? 

Heavy springs are chosen for agricultural machinery due to their strong and resilient nature. This allows them to withstand the heavy loads and constant use that farming equipment endures. The average tractor weighs around seven tonnes, whilst the average combined harvest is around fifteen tonnes. Therefore, heavy springs are needed to withstand these weights and provide support in challenging agricultural conditions. 


Types of Springs Used in Heavy Agricultural Machinery

Types of springs used in heavy agricultural machinery include compression, tension, torsion, leaf, and air springs. Let’s look at some real-life applications below. 

Compression Springs 

Compression springs are designed to compress and store energy when a force is applied and release that energy when the force is removed. This makes compression springs useful in applications where a consistent and controlled force is needed, such as in tractors' hydraulic systems. They are also used in the adjustment mechanisms of various components attached to tractors, such as ploughs and harrows. 

Tension Springs 

Tension springs are designed to stretch and store energy when a force is applied and then release that energy when the force is removed. These springs are often found in the lifting mechanisms of tractors and farming equipment, providing the necessary tension to lift and hold heavy loads. They are also used in control linkages to return levers/pedals to a neutral position, braking systems, and pull seeder arms back into position. 

Torsion Springs 

Torsion springs are designed to twist or rotate when a force is applied, storing energy in the process. Torsion springs are often found in the steering systems of tractors, providing the necessary torque to turn the wheels. They are also used on lids and doors of fertiliser hoppers, in seeding row markers, and to control the movement of flaps and covers in balers and combines.

Innovations In Spring Technology 

In recent years, several innovations in spring technology have improved the performance of agricultural machinery. One example is the development of adjustable suspension systems that incorporate heavy springs. These systems allow farmers to customise the suspension settings of their machinery, providing a smoother ride and reducing the impact of uneven terrain. This can be seen in the Fendt 1100 MT Vario tractor, which has a ‘Smart Ride Plus’ load levelling feature, integrating the front suspension springs with a hydraulic system to adjust the tractor height and keep the chassis level. 

Maintenance and Troubleshooting 

Regular inspections and lubrication are essential for the maintenance of heavy springs in agricultural machinery. Farmers should regularly check for signs of wear or damage, such as rust or deformation, and replace worn-out springs. Applying a suitable lubricant to the springs can also help reduce friction and extend their lifespan.

Your Heavy Agricultural Machinery Spring Manufacturer

Farming operations such as ploughing, tilling, seeding, and harvesting require agricultural machinery that can withstand impacts and vibrations, maintain stability and balance, prevent crop damage, and maintain traction.

At Lesjöfors, we design, engineer, and manufacture springs for world-class agricultural machinery, delivering precision-engineered heavy springs with outstanding durability, longevity and quality. Contact our expert team to find out more. 

Order Custom Spring Solutions

Do you need guidance to select the best material for your custom spring?

At Lesjöfors, we work with a large range of materials and hold the largest global stocks of chrome silicon and chrome vanadium anywhere in the world. We can also optimise your spring performance with top-quality materials such as steel, copper and titanium alloys and super alloys, such as Inconel, Hastelloy and Nimonic. 

Get in touch with our expert team to receive expert guidance and find out how to order a custom spring. 

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We are world-leading heavy duty spring manufacturers, delivering the greatest expertise in compression, torsion and tension spring manufacturing.

Delivering impact to every industry, we guarantee spring solutions that will optimise your performance and success.

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